Monday, February 3, 2014

Partagas Benji Homage 62 Toro (6.5x54)

First, a little story.  I have known Benji for some time now.  We have met at several events, dinners, shows, expos and even once had a long conversation in an airport.  Benji was a guest on my radio show a number of times and we always appreciated his willingness to come on and talk about cigars and the lifestyle, he is one of the most affable people you could ever meet, plus he always complimented me on my fluent Spanish (I am far from fluent and I think he knew that, but he appreciated that I could converse with him in his own language).  Sixty two years in the industry is an incredible achievement and I can't say enough about what guys like this mean to the industry.  I can only hope the cigar is an actual homage.

The smoke presents well.  I always like a cigar wrapped in white tissue, I am not sure what it is about that particular presentation, but I like it.  The band work is elaborate and full of glitz and glam.  We all know I am not a fan of all the hoi polloi, but hell this is an homage right?  The wrapper is on the dark side of a medium shade of brown and it has some veining, but I can't see any reason it will be an issue.  There are some nice oils here as well and I am anticipating a nice experience.  The bunch looks good and feels appropriately spongy without being wet.  The pre light aroma has some hints of spice and grass.  The pre light draw shows some peppery notes.

The cigar opens with a profile that could be best described as underwhelming, I am upset by this, the career of one of the greats should be celebrated with an opus of flavor, a crescendo of emotion, fanfare, trumpets and...well you get the idea.  This is like a wet newspaper landing with a dull thud in the driveway on a holiday, you know full of hype but then ten thousand circulars come out and the only news is about some Hollywood starlet with a needle in her arm.  The profile is overtly peppery and there is nothing to balance out this in your face presentation of power.  Without secondary flavors the palate becomes overwhelmed with pepper and starts to scream for something else.  At the back of the palate and through the nose the profile is papery and thin, I need something more robust or sweet to balance out all the pepper in the front of the smoke.  The burn is very solid from the start, but I detect a run starting about a half inch into the smoke.  The draw is smooth.

The first half of the smoke remains horrifically one dimensional, like many of the college girlfriends I had, they deliver one thing and one thing only (usually vomit in my bathroom, before telling you they will go no further).  I keep wanting this cigar to go further, but it won't, and for the record vomit in the bathroom may not be out of the question.  The core profile is still booming out pepper flavors, and some other bitter putrescence that I can't put my finger on at this moment.  The back of the palate and the nose, good lord the poor nose, are being subjected to notes of burning cardboard and grass.  The cigar has now ruptured from the earlier run and the whole thing is about to get chucked, much like my old college girlfriends.  The draw is still smooth, but I wish it would plug, or explode in my face, or grow teeth and eat my head.  

The final half of the cigar was really just a formality in pursuing futility.  The profile never changes, and actually becomes worse, yes worse!  There are some flavors here that I can't quite place, but a mouthful of nickels drizzled with Boric Acid might be closest.  The back of the palate is equally horrid and I am not sure I have anymore adjectives to hammer away at this smoke.  The burn never recovers and the draw unfortunately was great to the end.

The finish was glorious, because I was done.  The flavors were terrible.

All in all I can't believe that this is an homage to a legend.

Appearance- 91 the best part about this, if you have some take them out and look at them then smoke something else
Taste- 70 nothing worth commenting on
Construction- 83 the draw saved this...barely
Strength- 85 medium I think
Overall- 80.25

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